
(Above) Completed Design Project in Parramatta Region
Do You Need an Architect?
When many people think about house plans, the thought of "architects near me" may come to mind, and it is true that with MAJOR developments such as shopping centres and apartment buildings, their services are required. If you have such a development, then we are pleased to confirm that we have working relationships with architects, and can direct you to ones that we can both work with.
However, building designers and architectural draftsman, such as Placez & Spacez, certainly have their place. According to one architect, for small projects of less than $350,000 construction cost, often you do not need the services of an architect. Given that the majority of the work done by Placez & Spacez is on projects costing less than $350,000, use our services and save yourself a packet! Just think, what you save on the architect’s fees can cover the cost of the perfect interior design solution you have always wanted.
Using our services, you certainly won’t find yourself in the situation of one couple quoted in Choice, who spent $28,000 on architect’s fees for their new house, then could not afford to build the house that had been designed!
Some architects try to scare home owners by suggesting that only architects have Professional Indemnity insurance, but that is not the case with many building designers, including Placez & Spacez, and we will show you the certificate of currency for our PI Insurance.
Although architects may feel that only they provide Interior Design as part of their service, Placez & Spacez are pleased to confirm that as stated on our Design page, our services include the option of interior design, so you won’t be needing an architect for that.
Finally, as mentioned above, for new homes and home extensions, building designers have the knowledge and experience to provide excellent designs. Architects will charge much more due to their years at university and legal requirements for the high end work they usually do, a bit like a highly paid celebrity chef that is out of reach and not required by most ordinary people. The Building Designer/Architectural Draftsman at Placez & Spacez has worked with architects for some years, and has the experience in drafting so as to draw plans that work, is capable at CAD drafting, and can achieve the functional, thermally efficient building that you need.
Although he won’t design the Sydney Opera House for you, it’s the draftsman that will turn your vision into the beautiful working drawings that a builder can use to build your home, the place for your treasured memories to be created with your family. Incidentally, draftsman have drawn the plans for 95% of all houses built in Australia.
In conclusion, we believe that this has provided a balanced discussion on why for most home designs and plans, additions/alterations, or renovations, you will do very well to use the Building Designer/Architectural Draftsman at Placez & Spacez for your next project.
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How long it takes to get your plans
Costs for our services, including bronze, silver, or gold levels
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