About Us

Meet Our Team
The head of our team began his architectural drafting career in 1979 in Newcastle, NSW. This was at The Plan Centre in Broadmeadow, an office with two architects who shared their knowledge. Yes, these were the years of ink pen drafting on tracing paper!
Educated by travelling to Sydney TAFE at Broadway, he graduated with honours, receiving a Certificate in Architectural Drafting.
Years spent as an architectural draftsman in Newcastle, Hobart, and Sydney, and always climbing around building sites, learning and helping, resulted in gaining lots of practical knowledge, which is essential for good Building Design.
Another in our team is a gifted interior designer, holding a Diploma in Interior Design. Of course she has designed her own home interior, and assisted others, with the skills to be a real asset for your house that will become a home, a place where treasured memories will be created.
Our Logo
Our logo design reflects the structure of 3D building forms encompassing a space. You can see the Z ties the P and S together to form a structure, a place containing a space. That’s why we are Placez & Spacez, using a Z rather than an S!
Notice too, the nod to the traditional architectural style of ink pen linework where the thin lines cross each other, a legacy of the older style hand drafting on tracing paper.
The colour used on our logo is that of traditional blue prints seen on building sites for over 100 years, “the cyanotype [blue] process developed by the British astronomer and photographer Sir John Herschel in 1842”, and used in various forms until just a few decades ago.—New World Encyclopedia online. Today of course, computer aided drafting and digital printing are the norm, but it’s nice to know where we have come from!